XV Villas @ Akoya Oxygen (Damac hills 2)

  • Starting AED3,230,000
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Residences Akoya Oxygen (Damac hills 2) Damac Properties
XV Villas @ Akoya Oxygen (Damac hills 2)
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
  • Starting AED3,230,000


  • Villa
  • Property Type
  • DEV-306
  • Property ID
  • Ready To Move
  • Year Built


Discover the extraordinary XV Villas, where elegance meets innovation with their distinctive inverted design. Immerse yourself in the breathtaking beauty as you step into these stunning homes, where the bedrooms gracefully reside on the ground floor, allowing the living areas to ascend above and embrace the awe-inspiring vistas. Experience the pinnacle of luxury living and indulge in the unparalleled panoramas that these remarkable residences offer.


Updated on February 28, 2022 at 9:03 pm
  • Property ID: DEV-306
  • Price: Starting AED3,230,000
  • Year Built: Ready To Move
  • Property Type: Villa
  • Property Status: Residences

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