ÉLEVÉ BY DEYAAR: Discover ÉLEVÉ – The Epicenter of Urban Life in Jabel Ali

ÉLEVÉ BY DEYAAR: Discover ÉLEVÉ – The Epicenter of Urban Life in Jabel Ali


  • Apartment, Residence - Property Type
  • Property Type


This project is ideally located just 3 minutes walking distance from the main metro station (Red Line) and only two metro stops from the famous Dubai Marina. It offers a strategic location near major business hubs and attractions in the city:

  • 5 minutes on foot from JAFZA, the Jebel Ali Free Zone.
  • 7 minutes from Ibn Battuta Mall and Festival City Mall.
  • Close to the new Palm Jebel Ali and the future Al Maktoum International Airport (DWC), set to become a global hub.

Developed by a semi-governmental developer renowned for high-quality projects, this exclusive development launches only one project per year, ensuring limited supply and high demand. All of their previous projects have generated significant capital appreciation.

Enjoy competitive pricing for a location close to all amenities, along with a post-handover payment plan, a rare offering for this type of developer. Don’t miss this opportunity to invest in a thriving neighborhood with exceptional growth potential.


# 0488221743


Updated on October 17, 2024 at 6:20 am
  • Property Type: Apartment, Residence - Property Type
  • Property Status: Residences

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