The Lycée Français International de Dubaï (or the Lycée Français International de l'AFLEC) is located in the Oud Metha district. The neighborhood is home to several famous schools and has all amenities within a short drive. To stand out, LFI follows fundamental values that revolve around respect and multiculturalism.
Follow our guide from Dubai International High School, with the help of its communications officer, Madame MOUMNEH Zeina.
About the Lycée Français International de Dubaï

The French International High School in Dubai (or the French International High School of AFLEC) welcomes students from all over the world: 48 nationalities from five continents (France, Lebanon, Canada, USA, etc.)
The LFI welcomes students from the small section of kindergarten to the Terminal. Currently, LFI has 2246 students.
Education and its particularity compared to France
The LFI is a French high school with a very rich educational offer and a real international positioning. They are also a pioneer in the use of digital technology.
Approved by the Ministry of National Education from the Small Section to the Terminal, it guarantees each student a continuation of studies in the French education system, in France and abroad. Also, it allows every year half of our bachelors to integrate French higher education and in particular selective streams (preparatory classes for grandes écoles, business schools, Sciences Po, …).

The LFI's educational offer is unique in Dubai: five sections with a reinforced schedule (American international section, music section, visual arts section, theater section, and sports section football), six modern languages in addition to French (English, Arabic, Spanish, Italian, German, Chinese) and two ancient languages (Latin and Greek).
The international positioning is very strong and allows all our students to fully enjoy the expat experience in Dubai. Indeed, the practice of English is strengthened everywhere, with three hours of learning from the small section in the classical sector. Bilingualism is a goal for all students in the international stream, who are preparing for the international baccalaureate option (OIB – not to be confused with the IB) in their final year. Note that every year, our bachelors join the best universities in the Anglo-Saxon world.
Digital has long been at the heart of the institution's project. Indeed, the classes are "connected" from the CM1 and each student works daily with his personal iPad. With its experience, the LFI was able to effectively cope with the April-June 2020 lockdown and offer quality distance education.
BACCALAUREATE success rate
BAC session 2020: 98.2% success.
- 93.8% of mentions
- 34.6% Very Good mentions (of which 10% with congratulations from the jury)
- 28,6% mentions Bien
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic

Despite the solidarity fund set up by the high school at the time of the crisis, some families, unfortunately, had to leave Dubai due to the economic situation. However, the numbers are stable thanks to the arrival of new students this fall. We note great loyalty from families who trust us. Many are very satisfied with the way the crisis has been handled in recent months, and how the Lycée Français International de Dubai has been welcoming all its students face-to-face since September.
- The registration campaign is open until Sunday 28 February.
- Applications are filed online via Global Campus:
- The payment method : (https://lfidubai.aflec-fr.org/admission/reglement-financier/)
For more information:
- Visit the website: https://lfidubai.aflec-fr.org/admission/campagne-dinscription-2021-2022/
- Take a virtual tour of the establishment: https://lfidubai.aflec-fr.org/admission/visite-de-letablissement/
- Contact the registration office ([email protected] Mrs. Daniella SFEIR, Office Manager, will be happy to meet you and answer all your questions!
- Do not hesitate to call: (+971) 4 37 95 002